Newborn Kittens Rescued from Loading Dock Showing Signs of Warrior Cat-Like Spirit and Unique Feature

Kittens were discovered at a loading dock when they were just a few hours old. One of them has a unique ear and exudes the fearless spirit of a warrior feline.

kitten one ear cute

Grimes and Deej, an animal rescue duo, came across a litter of kittens abandoned at a loading dock. Among them, a little gray and white kitten caught their attention as it was struggling the most. Deej, known for specializing in critical and special needs animal cases, received a rescue request for the litter and didn’t hesitate to step in and help. When the kittens arrived at Deej’s care, it was evident that their condition was worse than expected. Born prematurely and abandoned at birth, the kittens were cold to the touch and had frostbite on their extremities. Despite their dangerously low temperatures, the kittens miraculously clung to life.

rescued kitten

The kittens were discovered at a loading dock by Deej. Once their bodies were warmed up to a safe temperature for feeding, the kittens eagerly latched onto a syringe and eagerly consumed their food. By the time they were five days old, they had caught up to the size of typical newborn kittens due to their insatiable appetites. Some of them even discovered their purr motors after eating.

kitten rescued feeding

Around ten days after being under care, the frostbitten areas began to heal and fall off. “I was surprised every day by the small kittens’ amazing progress.”
Grimes, the gray and white kitten named after Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead, had the most severe frostbite in the litter. “She had to lose one of her ears, three toe beans on a front paw, and half of her tail.”

tiny kittens sleeping pile

Deej, the small and courageous kitty, never allowed anything to hinder her movements or slow her down. Meanwhile, her brother Walker had the tips of both ears missing, which made him resemble a perpetually cute teddy bear with only half of his tail. As for Va Cow, she was named after Van Gogh due to losing an ear as well and sporting a resemblance to a little cow.

tiny kitten one ear

Deej named Ellie after The Last of Us because, unlike her siblings, she did not suffer from frostbite and remained unscathed. Deej put in countless hours (even sacrificing sleep) to nurse them back to health and ensure they made progress. She offered nurturing care, kept them clean when they made a mess, and showered them with affection.

kittens tabby

Walker has cute teddy bear ears that make him look extra adorable.

Deej, Grimes, and their siblings started having playdates with other foster kittens who were a week older but much bigger in size.

“Chuck Norris, the ginger kitten, is giant for his age. When you put him next to a tiny preemie trying to catch up, it’s just a hilarious sight to see the size difference.”

big small kittens pile

Grimes and Chuck Norris teamed up on Vaquita Cow Island.
The charmingly mismatched group gets along really well despite their differences in size. Grimes can handle herself when grappling with the larger cats.
She lets out fierce yawns and occasionally forgets to put away her tongue when she naps.

one eared kitten rolling

Grimes is happily rolling around, proudly showing her belly. Her missing toes are clearly visible. Deej commented, “The kittens are now about six weeks old and haven’t fully transitioned from bottle feeding yet, but that’s alright.” Deej recently introduced a large fluffy bed to the kitten suite, which has quickly become a favorite. “The kittens love this bed and have been spending most of their time all snuggled up in it.”

kittens snuggling fluffy bed

Deej, Grimes, and their siblings overcame many obstacles at birth but managed to thrive. They are now flourishing into playful and robust young cats.

snuggling kittens fluffy bed

Van Cow, Ellie, Grimes, and Walker are the most adorable little ones who just want to snuggle up in your lap and keep growing happier every day.

sleeping snuggling kittens

Walker, Grimes, and Vän Cow
Don’t forget to spread the word about this tale. For more on the adorable kittens and Deej’s foster pets, check out their Instagram @deejandthecats.
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